The achievement of ISO 17025:2005 accreditation is confirmation of our commitment to providing the highest quality service and support to our customers.
Are you interested in what types of water analysis we can perform for your treatment company? Complete our Company Profile Form and we will send you a copy of our most recent dealer information package. We are now offering a Dealer Advantage Program for dealers that includes flexible kit ordering, sales tools, onsite testing and customized marketing materials. Just contact one of our Technical Service Representatives at 1-800-458-3330 and ask for more information about our Dealer Advantage Program or any other testing services available.
Each completed report is accompanied by our Corrective Action Brochure which provides information about the origins, health effects and general treatment methods for items included in the analysis.
If testing is required for regulatory compliance, a Commercial Test package will be needed. Call one of our Technical Service Representatives (1-800-458-3330) with a list of contaminants you require and we will provide you with a customized quote to meet your needs.
As a part of NTL's green initiative, beginning 5/29/2012 we will no longer be mailing copies of our informational test results upon completion, they will be sent via email only. If you still require mailed copies, please contact a Technical Service Representative at 1-800-458-3330. This initiative does NOT affect any commercial and/or regulatory testing at this current time, but will in the future.
Learn what thousands of water treatment professionals nationwide use to assist with water treatment diagnosis and sales. NTL meets the needs of water treatment professionals with both informational and regulatory water testing products. We offer informational testing specifically for well water and city water (municipal water); as well as all types of packages designed to determine a variety of problems or concerns (like radiologicals in water). Likewise, we offer a variety of compliance and regulatory testing as well.

Stephen R. Tischler | Vice President

Ed Fujs | Technical Service Representative, General Products Group

Suzette Berlet-Walker | Technical Service Representative, Beverage & Food